It can be the case that you scan another person's card when you were meant to scan your own, thus creating an account with a different e-mail. It is possible to rescan the correct card instead of deleting your current account.
Change your account's e-mail address
Tap the user icon
Tap the 'Settings' section (the gear icon)
Change your e-mail address under the 'Contact' section -
Once the e-mail has been changed, a message will appear on the home screen of the app
- Tap the verify icon and select one of the following options in order to verify your e-mail address
*Send e-mail to above: Send another verification e-mail to the e-mail address that is written on the card.
*Rescan business card: Scan the card again, and verify the e-mail address that is on the card
*Verify with Facebook: Finish the verification with Facebook