Wantedly People organizes cards by saving data to your account.
By logging in to your Wantedly account, you can access your card data without your primary device.
It is possible to manage data on both your PC and tablet, so this app recommended to people who have multiple devices or people who would like to save their data in multiple places.
How to log in:
- Tap the user icon at the top right
- Tap 'log in' and log in with your account information or your Facebook account
*If you don't have a Facebook account, tap 'Create profile' and make your Wantedly account
You can log in with your Facebook account or email address.
Also, you can use your Wantedly account with Wantedly Visit!
If you can't find the login button:
The login feature is only available from app ver 1.0.9 and the latest version.
Please make sure your app is updated to the newest version.