If your Wantedly account is linked to your Facebook account:
There is no need to create a password. You will automatically be logged in to Wantedly if you are logged in to Facebook.
If you signed up using an email address instead of Facebook:
You can reset your password by following the steps below:
1. Access your password settings
2. Reset your password:
- If you know your current password: Type in your current password and set a new password.
- If you've forgotten your password or have not set one: Click on the 'Password reset form'.
From the app (iPhone):
- Tap the user icon at the bottom right
- Tap the gear icon at the top right
- Tap 'Password'
- Tap 'Send me reset password instructions'
- Change your password from the link you receive in the email
From the app (Android):
- Tap the user icon at the bottom right
- Tap the icon at the top right
- Tap 'Settings' and 'Log out'
- Click this link to access the password reset form.
If you have any questions, please contact the Wantedly Customer Relations Team here!