If you have a lot of cards, you can use ScanSnap to efficiently read cards.
Compatible devices
- IX-100
- IX-500
What you need
- Wi-Fi connection
- Computer (Windows or MacOS)
- Mobile device with the Wantedly People app downloaded
Please refer below for basic instructions:
macOS Windows
Make sure the Wi-Fi (SSID) is the same as the one the mobile device is connected to and tap 'Continue'.
(If the devices are connected to different Wi-Fi networks, connect to the same Wi-Fi)
Connect Wantedly People and ScanSnap
- Open Wantedly People
- Open the app
- Tap the user icon at the top right
- Tap the gear icon at the top right to open 'Settings'
- Tap 'ScanSnap' from the settings
- Select the ScanSnap with the same serial number
*You can only connect one app per Scansnap device
Scan cards on ScanSnap
- Prepare the cards you would like to scan
- Tap 'Start scanning' on the mobile device or press the 'Scan' button on ScanSnap
- After the cards are scanned, check the cards and tap 'Add to contacts'